Hello, you may be wondering what in the world is SAGSOBA, I'm glad you asked. SAGSOBA stands for the name of a great high school, St. Augustine's Grammar School old Boys association in Imo State, Nigeria. This school built in 1948 has produced many prominent alumni who are successful in various works of life. The columnist of this blog is fortunate to be an alumni of this great institution even though I haven't achieved the greatness of some of the people that has walked through the corridors of this institution. It is my privilege to invite you to the national convention of this school which will be held in Houston, Texas starting on the weekend of Friday, September 2. It will be a great occasion of camaraderie of friends, family and associates of graduates of this school. This also will be an opportunity to contribute and immortalize your name in the rebuilding and rehabilitation of this great institution which has been neglected by past corrupt governments in Nigeria which did not care about education. When you attend this convention you may hear something like "Ibu anyi danda" or "Hippo" or UP SAGS, these are the slogans that this school goes by. Please ask any alumni of this school to explain what "Ibu anyi danda" means when you attend, you will be thrilled to know what it is, until then so long and UP SAGS!
Growing in Christ is the most important relationship in our lives. We have come short of the glory of God but Jesus Christ redeemed us at the cross of Calvary, through His grace we are assured of everlasting life. I invite you to check the link below for more information on how to build a strong relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.